Sunday, November 30, 2008

Naomi Lee Bloom Podcast

This Podcast is very informational and to the point. Naomi Lee Bloom has a deep understanding of what & how to ask & investigate when we are looking for a good product. Every point in this podcast made it's way to my checklist.

The most important factor to look for when looking into different products is the " Product Functionality & Architecture ". Assess the real situation and requirements and the vendor for a demo for the scenario. As Naomi says that bring an investigative reporter mindset and some knowledge of software archeology and ask a laundry list of questions to the vendor. Look into an organization's corporate culture and it's requirements - picking up the most important areas and going deep into them. Naomi also mentioned the 3 R's of a product - Rich, Rigorous & Robust.

In the middle of the podcast - Naomi has put a great emphasis on the importance of networking which strengthens my belief that we should keep our group together much after the class is over and keep learning from each other.

My favorite quote from the podcast - " Everyday is a process of discovery ".

1 comment:

HR Systems said...

wow.. i learned a lot, and i listened to this podcast as well. thank you! jun